Monday, 8 April 2013

Bride Blah: And Then The Review

As promised, this is the first of the many relevant posts to be published in this blog.  Pardon if it took quite sometime to restore the flow of my creative juices since the husband went back to Saudi and I was left behind.

Anyway, I decided to make our own review and rate the suppliers whom we worked with during our wedding.  It was arbitrary for me to do so as almost all the wedding sites I have seen in the past have this kind of thing which I thought was helpful for couples who are on the "supplier hunting" stage as I speak.  I hope this can somehow help you pick the best ones for your own big day.

DISCLAIMER:  All comments are purely objective and are based on the suppliers' performance/work during our wedding.

Photos Galore

I am finding as much time to share selected photos of our prenup and during the wedding.  Actually, I have already posted some.  You can click the link above that says "GALLERY" to check 'em out.  :)